Wow, people actually read my blog

I woke up early but have been having a lazy Sunday morning finishing my book (more on that soon).liebster-award When I logged on I saw a lovely little message from runandlivehappy saying she had nominated me for the Liebster Award. Thank you Tara! Now I’m not really into these award things and it seems to me they are blog equivalent of what we used to do as kids when we got each other to complete ever more detailed questionnaires about each other in little notebooks etc or sent one chain letter after the next. However, it is really nice to know that at least some people out there read and enjoy my musings. So for that reason I decided to ‘play’. As far as I can tell (using google) the award recognises new bloggers and is a way of promoting new-ish blogs

Here is how it works:

  • Link back to the person who nominated you.
  • Answer the questions given to you by the nominator.
  • Nominate up to 11 other bloggers with less than 200 followers.
  • Create 11 questions for the nominees.
  • Notify all nominees via social media/blogs.

So Tara asked 11 questions of her nominees and here are my answers

Why did you start blogging?

I started blogging for work stuff at Ramblings of a Legal Academic and then to share experiences of keeping sheep at Riddlesden Jacobs but I don’t keep that up regularly (I keep saying I will) but the running blog is a way for me to make sense of and deal with all the conflicting emotions I have linked to running and also to keep me motivated and on track

What is your favorite hobby?

Our sheep, they’re fab

What is your favorite way to spend your free time?

Someone remind me what free time is

What annoys you the most?

People not doing what they are supposed to do or say they would do

Where is your favorite place to travel?

Ooh tricky – Love Bempton Cliffs  (- the RSPB nature reserve) if we’re talking relatively locally. I loved Cuba if we’re talking world wide

What has been your favorite running experience?

The one I wrote about the other day  – running with herons

Where do you find motivation?

In the fact that I couldn’t run to the end of the road 8 months ago and I did 9 miles yesterday and in the stunning enverionment I have right on my doorstep – and of course the ultimate goal – running a marathon to raise money for Panthera (if you’re feeling generous visit our Just Giving Page)

What is your favorite meal?

Depends on my mood. Kath is making a South American brunch just now which is right up there! It’s quinoa and black eyed beans, avocado, a fried egg and a tomoatoe and spring onion vinegarette dressing

Laptops or tablets?

Laptop when at home or for writing, tablet when on the move

Warm weather or cold weather?

Depends what I’m doing. Don’t really like either when it’s extreme. I quite like a slightly grey average West Yoskhire early summer morning or what I call a ‘back to school’ morning  – early autumn, clear and crisp

Cats or dogs?

Cats. I’m a bit scared of dogs although I do like them and would love to have time to have one.

So there you go. I do need to nominate so I want to go for 3 blogs I have enjoyed recently (I’d include Brits Run Disney too but they’re already nominiated!). I have enjoyed reading about the running adventures of Liveloverunlikeaprincess and  11months26miles and about Janine’s life at whatbringsjoy. So Britt, Niki and Janine – I nominate you and hope that others enjoy your musings as I do. I haven’t checked your number of followers and you may have more than the 200 but I thought your blogs deserved a little plug anyway! I do need to give you 11 questions so here goes

  1. What keeps you blogging?
  2. What is at the top of your ‘bucket list’?
  3. What’s your pet hate
  4. What’s your favourite motivational song
  5. What’s the last book you read
  6. What’s your favourite book
  7. What’s the most bizzare thing encountered on a run?
  8. What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given?
  9. What’s your favourite (running) gadget?
  10. What’s your own favourite blogpost and why?
  11. Morning or evening run?

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